Founders and principal Designer at gumdesign
They deal with architecture, industrial design, graphics, art direction for companies and events.
Among their clients AntonioLupi, Biennale di Venezia, De Castelli, De Vecchi Milano 1935, Museo Pecci, Nastro Azzurro, Red Bull Italia, San Pellegrino, Styl’Editions, Triennale di Milano.
They have won many prizes, among which Edida 2021 Award for the Borghi collection designed for AntonioLupi in the category "bathroom", Nomination Edida 2020 for the Gessati collection designed for AntonioLupi, Adi Booth Design Award category Research for stand Styl'editions, the Premio Donna del Marmo 2019, Best Communicator Award 2014, the First Prize at the Creativity International Competition "Swiss in Cheese".
They are involved, in the University area, with open classes, workshops and they cooperate with the "Free University" of Bolzano, the Cried of Milan, the Ied of Florence and Rome; since 2017 they are coordinators and teachers of the first Masters in Design - Innovation and Product for High-Crafts at the IED Florence.